Thursday, October 23, 2008


by Ed Schmults, CEO

The ability of a child to master a toy is a key component of ‘good’ toys. Toys are not like pants that a child can grow into. A child needs to have successes in their life. Their days are spent being told what to do or what not to do, being fed, bathed and clothed with little to no input. A toy sets them free. Imagine their frustration when they can’t ‘do’ the toy. For example, a puzzle is too hard or a toy has small parts or a switch that their fine motor skills can’t deal with. FRUSTRATION! The toy is tossed, tears may follow and the parent is left wondering why. Everyone loses when a toy is not appropriate for a child’s developmental level.

Contrast that with the look of total satisfaction on a child’s face when they complete a simple puzzle by themselves. Look at me! Look what I did!!! They will do it over and over again. That is a successful toy.

As you shop for toys for the children in your life please make sure you consider the child’s developmental level or physical ability. Get a toy that fits their current level of development. Everyone will be happier.

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